Saturday, July 12, 2014

My bestfriend yolly helped me plant papaya seedlings.

Four papaya seedlings were planted 3rd week of  april 2014. We placed chicken manure and compost in the hole and imbedded a small plastic bottle (with holes) near the roots where the compost tea and other organic fertilizer will be  poured.  Then, we covered it with kakawati leaves and twigs so that the new plant would be sheltered while recovering from the transplant.

Harvest season

Indian mango fruits abound in Hardin  ni Juan. To reach the unreachabsle fruits... 

Flowering dragon fruits due for harvest in august 2014

Sweet carinyosa papaya..

Jackfruit harvest was bountiful this year...23 fruits in only one tree. We sent 4 big fruits to samar via truck.